Module 1.2 - A Turning Point Event for Environmental Science (Rachel Carsen video- silent spring)
Okay first off, watching this video my mouth literally fell open. It's crazy to think how science can evolve and persuade people to do basically anything... like spray the entire planet with dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane,(DDT) . This video has me scared to take the coronavirus vaccine, but also at the same time I want to trust and believe in science, but look how wrong they were before.. They can be wrong again. That is scary and has me over here sitting in my chair thinking. The video that I selected to write about for this blog posting is written and directed by Michelle Ferrari. The reason that this video was made was to make people aware of how we can think that something will solve one problem, when in reality it is causing more severe and harmful consequences in the long run. In 1939 a scientist named Paul Muller realized that a chemical he had come across, (DDT), was a fantastic insecticide. What dichloro-diphenyl- trichloroethane would do is it would attack the nervous...