
Showing posts from March, 2021

3.3.3 My Plastic Use

  When we imagine the ocean filled with pollution, most of our minds picture large plastic bottles, or floaties that have floated away, or maybe even bags. But what about all of the pollution that we cannot see with the naked eye? Abby Barrows, a marine research scientist from MI, collected water samples locally, about a half a liter , and took those samples to a lab. When she placed the water samples under a microscope she was in disbelief of all of the colored plastic particles she could see in the water. From the water sample she took from a nearby lake, she began to wonder what could be happening in the ocean, or even our drinking water? She began to wonder, where are these specs not? So Abby Barrows partnered with adventure scientists to conduct a research to see just how contaminated water is. Adventure science is a nonprofit organization that gathers scientists and researchers together across the world to study natural resources. Upon their examinations, almost every single ...

Clean coal? myth or reality?

     What is clean coal? This is a very misleading term, because, hello? There is no such thing as clean coal, there is just a group of people trying to convince us to keep using coal as a resource to create energy. In fact, the term clean coal was popularized in 2008 when climate change was still highly questioned amongst most people . The reason that we use coal is because it is very cost efficient in saving the U.S. a lot of money, but we are allowing the greed of money to dictate our population’s health. But still, what is clean coal? Clean coal is referring to the ways we can try and control the damage that is done from the burning and abstracting of coal. According to the Clean Air Task Force there is an estimated 7,5000 premature deaths every single year just amongst the company workers. The workers however are not the only people at risk, according to a research conducted by Carnegie Mellon, a researcher on the economics and public safety team, babies born in ...

3.2.1 Natural Resources Review

     Natural resources, or energy resources, are products that we can obtain from the Earth. We have renewable and nonrenewable resources. The purest form of renewable energy we get is from the sun, which supplies our planet with 99% of our heat, the other 1% is from commercial use.      Fossil fuels come from the earth and consist of decaying plants and animals. Fossil fuels are how we make some of our commercial energy, however they have terrible impacts on the planet like air pollution which is adding to the issue of global warming, and the fact that they are limited means that they are going to run out, unless we find new ways to use them. 21% of commercial energy in the world is powered by coal, the U.S. alone is at a high 62%. Another fuel that we use is crude oil, which we use to make asphalt, diesel oil, heating oil, jet fuel, and gasoline. In 1970 a barrel of crude oil was about $3, in 2004 it was up to $70. Natural gases are more abundant tha...