Solar power and energy policy


Six-Point Critical Analysis of Current Event

My blog posting is available online at:

1. Exploratory

Probe basic facts and knowledge found in the reading. (What research evidence supports _________?Type up several facts and basic knowledge from the reading. Relate this to what you find in other resources, prior activities for stronger scores.))

In 2017 in the city of Dalton GA, there was an announcement made of a new solar project. Hazelhurst solar farm #2, which is located on Silicon Ranch, is over 480 acres of pure beauty. And they plan to expand, they have an additional 450 for growth. This is the second project of its kind, the first one being only one mile from the second, and the second one is actually THREE times the size of the first. This source of green energy not only prevents issues for the environment, but it also creates revenue for the county, and over 600 jobs. Hazelhurst is expected to revenue the county an estimated 8 million dollars over the next 25 years, which 5 million is going to go to education.

2. Diagnostic

Probe motives or causes. (Why?Tell your reader why this occurs. Explain the causes in detail.)

The reason that hazelhurst solar farm occoursed is because the first solar farm that they launched, less than a mile away, did so well that they realized they could go bigger. The motive behind opening Hazelhurst #2 is to try and move our country into a green future, and reduce the use of our natural resources. 

3. Cause and Effect

Causal relationships between ideas, actions, or events. (If __________ occurs, what happens?

Because of how well the first solar ranch did, Silicon Ranch and their business partners made a $150 million dollar investment to open Hazelhurst. And because of this investment, they are expecting an 8 million dollar return, in a county that is 27% in poverty.

4. Priority

Seek to identify the most important issue. (What is the most important issue?)

The biggest issue in going towards a green future is because of the financial situation, as solar panels are very expensive. However, the cost of installing solar panels has reduced by 70% in the last decade! Another issue is the issue of losing so many jobs from closing things like the coal mines, which will affect the livelihood of a lot of people, but in my opinion is what is best for the bigger picture.

5. Application

Probe for relationships and connect theory to practice. (How does this apply to you? How is this related to culture as we have studied so far?)

I am actually from Alabam, but I left in 2015, so I'm sure if i was back home I would’ve heard the buzz about Hazelhurst being built. All of the country boy coal miners would not be too happy. But this is a necessary step in preserving our planet. 

6. Critical

Analyze how this challenges your thinking/assumptions. (How did this change your thinking? Did it? Why?)

This really showed me as to WHY we need to build more solar farms. I do understand people will lose jobs due to these, but there will now be money being made with less manpower, and in a way that is helping our planet.

Everyone could make so much money in taxes if they would legalize marijuana.


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